November 2007:
During the summer 2007 we desided to mate Malin once more and our choice this time was Kanadickens Danish Hot Spice. A calm and beautiful male living in the north of Germany. We think they will make a very good match, both has a lovely temper and we also needed a calm male for Malin.
Malin came in heat now in November and we did the first bloodtest the 15th of November with under 1 as result. Then we took the next one on November the 20th, but did'nt get the result before 17.00 the day after. And we really came in a hurry, she was already on 21. The ferry to Denmark left at 19.15, but we made it. At 05.00 next morning we arrived Grundhof and half an hour later the first mating was made. We tried again next morning, but did not succeed, so it was close race. As we made the mating at the correct time, hopefully there will be puppies. If so they will be born about the 22nd of January 2008. We will take the ultra sonic before x-mas and will update then.
Desember 2007:
Unfortunelately Malin is emty, we took the ultra sonic before x-mas, but no puppies. What went wrong is diffucult to say, Malin is a healthy bitch with a litter of 6 earlier, Spice has several litters, but now and then things like this happens.
I really hope to use Spice on a litter later on, but at the moment I hav'nt desided if we try once more with Malin.
3rd of January 2008:
Today a new ultra sonic was taken and believe it or not, Malin is pregnant. The pups will be born about the 22nd of January. So this was really a big and welcome surprise.
18th of january 2008
Today we did the x-ray of Malin and we saw 6 pups, a little unsure about no 7, but we think there are 6. Not bad from emty to 6 pups. We think they will arrive monday/tuesday.
22nd of January 2008
And on tuesday the puppies arrived, 2 females and 4 males, they were quite equal with a weight around 330 gr. Nobody had too much white, one of the girls and one of the boy has very little white, while the others has some. Everything is ok both with mother and puppies. The names - a surprise?