The page updated 28.01.2015
Puppyblog updates - only in Norwegian under Dagbok
Lauvstuas Tia Winterstar will be mated, probably in March, with Myrock`s Simeon Stone. |
Lauvstuas Toya Thezor is mated with Kd`s Tombigbee River, puppies born 19.02.2015 |
11 puppies were born 22nd of august 2014 after NORD UCH Sunlit Tifa Emmastars,
see under litter 30
6 puppies were born the same day after NORD UCH Lauvstuas Nova Starspangled Angel
see under litter 31

NV-13 NUCH SU(u)CH Lauvstuas Toya Thezor 3 years |
NJV-13 Lauvstuas Raico Tif N`Tumble 11 months

Kaisa and Kojacs wonderful puppies, born 26th of Nov. 2013 |
NUCH Veagaardens Toller Kojac av Shama and Tuldahls Tourmaline expect puppies about
the 25th of Nov. 2013

Maya and her puppies, 1 day old, born the 1st of August 2013

Familygathering in Sweden for Tif N'Tuble litter
Elise and Rex, Hilde and Ricco, Michael and Raider, Anne and Racio
Rinja, Mist and Tina
and in front grandfather Star and mom Tifa

Agildes Fast Like The Wind and Lauvstuas Maya Foxdancer is expecting puppies
about the 1st of August 2013.
NUCH SU(u)CH Lauvstuas Toya Theszor winner of Dual Purpose title "Ole Brum"
May 2013