NORD UCH SV-05 NORD V-08 DK V-09 NV-09 VWW-10
Lauvstuas Mascot Keehnu

Mascot has been a true heartbreaker since the day he was born. He's always been very calm and confident, and he has a wonderful temper. He and his sister Malin is as different as night and day - he's calm and steady, she's like a tornado.

Mascot started his career in the show ring winning best male in puppy class three times in a row. He showed a lot of promise from young age, and he has many great wins to his name. By the age of 14 months, Mascot had already gotten the three CCs required for the championship. But since the dog must be more than two years old to receive the title, we had to put his show career in Norway on hold for a while. In June 2002 he became BIS at the Norwegian Specialty. In august 2002 we attended the Swedish Specialty, where Mascot was 2nd best male in junior class with an honour price. We even attended the WW-show in Amsterdam that year, and Mascot got an excellent and placed third in his class. In October we attended a dog show in Denmark, and Mascot did very well, winning the Danish CC and 2nd best male. So when he won another Norwegian CC at the age of two years and two days, he also became Norwegian and Danish Champion. He's also won a couple of CACIBs, and many BOB.

With Mascot we started the field training early, and he soon proved to be a good retriever. Mascot is very easy to train, and is very willing to please. He's an eager worker, but has a good on/ off-button. He does not stress easily, and is very tolerant towards other dogs. He loves people and surely lives up to his name - he really is our Mascot!

Mascot has sired two litters in Norway, showing a lot of promise. See links under Offspring above.

Mascot is toller of the year in 2003...

The year started with NKK's show in Bergen when Mascot was 2 years and a day. And it went like we hoped for, he was BOB with CC and Cacib. This also gave him the titles NUCH and DKUCH. Due to Zamanthas litter, things were calmer until May / June when Mascot was entered to more shows resulting in res Best Dog with res. CC to BOB.
In June he became father for the first time when Sunlit Pamela Peanut gave birth to five puppies and Mascot had a new experience.

In June we went to the Toller Speciality in Sweden where he got HP and 4. CHK. After that we had a long, nice vacation until we received a phonecall; Mascot had to go south as Kaisa has come in heat. And although they dated at Dovre, we were runnign out of time. The result was still two puppies and next time Kaisa will be mated, it is recommended the dog to sit ready from day ONE. That girl is fast in everything she does!!!

Late summer, Mascot was shown three times resulting in BOB / BOS and 2nd Best Dog before we went to the Danish Toller Club's show in Hobro. There were 58 tollers entered, and ended 2nd best Dog only beated by Shaggy Tollers Touch of Trouble, who is also top winning male toller in Denmark 2003. The same weekend, an unofficial dummy test and a Danish utility test were arranged in Denmark. Mascot was entered to both, but he didn't understand he should pick up dummies made of hide instead of canvas as he is used to, so it didn't go very well. But we did better on the field trial test, getting 37 points out of 40. To pass the test, one needs 35 points.
The Danish utility test consists of 25m heelwork, 50m heelwork off the lead, come to heel from 50 m, testing that the dog's not afraid of gunshots and retrieving with delivery to hand.

In the end of October we went to Motala in Sweden, hoping for a swedish CC, but unfortunately Mascot only got a res. CC. In November we went to Denmark again for the show in Herning where Per Iversen was judging. Mascot was best dog, this time beating Shaggy Tollers Touch of Trouble, and got res. CC, Cacib and was BOS with Zamantha as BOB...

The last show of the year was Hamar in the end of November, but also this year a total flop, more comments from that show is unneccessary. Mascot has so far been shown 20 times, he's always been rewarded res. CC or CC with two exceptions, Norwegian Winner 2002 and 2003.

In the beginning of December we went to Finland and Mascot is still there. He is expecting puppies with Mäkiharjun's X-tra Enni and will mate another bitch before we comes home again. We are looking forward to having him with us again. Mascot has been to his first Finnish show with CC and BOB as results.

Many years has passed and Mascot is now 8 years old and veteran. He is doing great, no problems of any kind and he really enjoys life..
Still he is winning at shows now and then, latest in Herning in november he became BOS and Nordic winner-08.
We hope he will continue to be healthy and will get many good veteran years.


Mascot's Personalia

Born: 22.03.01


Father: LP1, DKCH, VDH
Hyflyer's Invincible Max

Lauvstuas Karmenzita

Breeder: Kennel Lauvstua

Owner: Kennel Lauvstua






CEA: Normal

H: 51 cm

W: 24 kg

The Toller of the Year 2002-2003 and 2005,
BIS Tollerfestivalen 2002,
BOS Tollerfestivalen 2005,
BOS puppy Tollarspecialen 2001, BOS Tollarspecialen 2006, 2 x CC in Finland, Cacib, Res. Cacib,
BIS Danish Toller show 2004, BOB Helsingør 2004 and Hillerød 2005 - qualified for Cruft.
DK W-09 and 3. BIG in Herning. NV-09
Approved danish working test


